Sooo ... it's a long time since my last text-entry and many, many things have happened in the last weeks. After some thinking (which i do practice from time to time), i came to the conclusion that writing in english would be a nice idea for some friends and the great people we meet during our travels - so that they can participate in reading our mind-boggling stories ;)
It's kind of hard to squeeze the last weeks into some lines of text: During my last entry, we were in Phnom Penh - with rain and swarms of moto-drivers humming around us, and I am now in the Mekong Delta - with rain and swarms of moskitoes humming around me. Leszek is currently in San Diego probably probably enjoying a luxurious life since his film received the "Special Jury Honors"-winner of this year's Siggraph, while i am having my last drop of blood sucked out of my venes by swarms of vampire insects the size of golf balls... But a lot has happened the last month - and hey! We even had some days of sun ;) But instead of writing a long text which no one will have time to read, i'll just post some new pics we made along the way... :)
Montag, 6. August 2007
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2 Kommentare:
Hi Bernhard,
in Russia they use to say, if the mosquitoes like to bite you, that is the proof how really sweet you are ;-)... So stop wining... get out and meet some specially out for the ones with bites all over their body...
What's siggraph in comparison to hot, humid encounters with PARASITES!
Get any photos?
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